A Complete Guide To Clean Your Ceiling Fan This Spring Season!

power saving fans

Springtime is here! And it is not only the blooming plants that give us fresh air, but also our power saving fans. Hence, you must clean your fans responsibly. 

Besides removing the clutters and scrubbing the floors, you also need to clean your decorative ceiling fans. This blog is all about how to clean your ceiling fans and make them shine like new!

How Do You Clean Your Ceiling Fan?

It is not rocket science when you want to clean a fan. However, polar fans give you a smooth and effortless experience of cleaning them. 

  • Prepare the room for cleaning. Switch off the ceiling fan. Next, place an old sheet or newspaper under the ceiling fan. Also, over any furniture where dust can get accumulated. Then, optimize a step stool or sturdy ladder. Finally, climb to a step that is above eye level with the ceiling fan. 
  • A feather duster is ideal when you want to remove all the dust. Moreover, utilize the extension hose of your vacuum and clean the fan’s housing fixture. Use a damp cloth for removing excess dirt. 
  • Secondly, slip a pillowcase over every single blade and use hands to wipe it across the blades. Additionally, follow up with a damp cloth and gently slide down the blades. Ensure that you do not bend the blades as this may influence the performance of your fan. 
  • Lastly, you should have to use an all-purpose toner or cleaner for removing built-up grime and dirt on the blades. Ensure not to spray cleaner near or on the motor while you clean the ceiling fan. 

Reverse The Ceiling Fan Direction

  1. In addition, to wiping a ceiling fan, spring is also the time to reverse the ceiling fan’s direction. During the summer season, you want your fan to spin in a forward motion. It is because you want to increase the cooling airflow. The forward motion forces air down to create a wind-chill effect.
  2. In the reverse direction, a ceiling fan forces air towards the ceiling. Since warm air always goes up, your fan pushes the cool air down. Additionally, it produces a cooling effect in your room. 
  3. One should always keep in mind that every year we should clean our ceiling fan once. Cleaning fans not only increase their longevity and performance but also benefits your health by reducing dust.

So, this was all about ceiling fan cleaning which you must follow the next time. 

To Sum Up

It is time you buy low cost ceiling fans from Polar Electric. Their premium offers on ceiling fans and other products make it affordable for every person. Hence, shop for the most optimum high speed ceiling fan by getting in touch with them.